Our certification process

  • 1Analysis of context

    Analysis of the internal and external context of the company and definition of the "scope" of the management system
  • 2Verification of the operational flows

    Verification of the operational flows and working modes of the company
  • 3Analysis of the risks

    Analysis of the risks linked to non-compliance with the requirements of the system standard of reference and of the opportunities that could arise from a better application of business practices
  • 4Documentation

    Preparation of system documentation
  • 5Training of staff

    Implementation of the system and training of staff to provide an adequate level of awareness and involvement of all operators
  • 6Internal audits

    Performing internal audits to verify the implementation of defined procedural aspects and to identify any aspects that may still not be compliant
  • 7Management of improvement plans

    Definition and management of improvement plans aimed at removing any non-conformities found
  • 8Definition of performance indicators

    Definition and management of performance indicators with reference to individual business processes, in order to verify the effectiveness of actions taken and maintain an adequate state of control with reference to the management of the company
  • 9Certification audit

    Certification audit by the accredited body previously identified, during which assistance will be provided by Nikva personnel
  • 10Achievement of the certification

    Achievement of the certification, upon issuance of the certificate by the accredited body